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News & Features
This Week for Grad Students: Expanded CTL office hours for graduate students
Office hours are expanding this spring!
This Week for Faculty: Supporting classroom culture mid-semester
Strategies to support student engagement
This Week for Faculty: 📚 Teaching students to learn through reading and writing in the age of AI
Strategies to support student learning
This Week for Grad Students: Applications open for 2025-26 CTL Fellowships
Apply now to be a Lead Teaching Fellow, Teaching Assessment Fellow, or a CIRTL Fellow next year
This Week for Faculty: 🐈 Bringing CATs to your classroom
Classroom assessment techniques for any classroom
This Week for Grad Students: Interested in a CTL fellowship? Info session this Friday!
Learn more about paid opportunities at the CTL that provide Columbia PhD and MFA students with sustained professional development experience.
About Us
The CTL partners with faculty, graduate students, and colleagues across the institution to support excellence and innovation in teaching and learning.
Teaching with AI
See CTL resources and programming on teaching and learning with Artificial Intelligence (AI).
CTL Podcast
Listen to the CTL’s podcast Dead Ideas in Teaching and Learning.
Thank-a-Prof Thank-a-TA
Thank a professor or teaching assistant for their dedication in teaching and learning.
In the Spotlight
CTL staff support instructors at Columbia as they transform their classrooms and create engaging learning experiences. In these stories and conversations, instructors reflect back on their experiences.